Thursday, November 22, 2012

Movie Review: Rise Of The Guardians

Starring: Alec Baldwin, Hugh Jackman, Chris Pine, Jude Law

Rating: 3 stars out of 5

Festooned with bright pixels and secular bells, Rise of the Guardians may look like another salute to the consumerism of the season, but this story of Jack Frost’s transformation from mischievous prankster to spiritual guardian of all children across the globe is going for something much bigger than a pretty package.

Peter Ramsey’s animated adaptation of William Joyce’s book is genuinely seeking to inspire and enlighten the kids who will gather around its theatrical apron by teaching the beauty and deep meaning of altruism.

Sharing several similarities with the man who gives Christmas its name, Jack Frost (Chris Pine) has a lot of human characteristics, but oddly supernatural abilities. When he emerges into our world over a frozen pond in the opening frames, he discovers he can freeze water, breathe hoary streaks across glass and essentially affect the destiny of humankind.

He’s giddy over his power, but he feels empty deep inside. No one can see Jack. He has no contact with anyone remotely like him, and he feels a profound sense of alienation as he lives in his perpetually frozen universe.

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