Thursday, November 22, 2012

Hector Macho Camacho Shot - In Critical Condition - Fighting For His Life Rican-Boxer-Hector-Macho-Camacho

On Wednesday, many people in the world were saddened to hear that Puerto Rican Boxer Hector "Macho" Camacho had been shot in the face, and was in critical condition.

Doctors in San Juan recently declared that "El Macho," is now brain dead, and are consulting with his family over whether he should be kept on life support.

But whatever happens with Camacho in the following days, it is clear that his legacy will live on.

Camacho won three world boxing titles for his native Puerto Rico. He may have had serious behavioral problems outside the ring, and several run-ins with the law, but his warm personality, outrageous boxing costumes, and enthusiastic participation in reality shows like Univision's Mira Quien Baila, made him somewhat of a pop icon, and won this tragic hero a place in the hearts of many.

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